Florida Life
Gavin Popilek ‘26
I just wanted to depict the true Florida life and my home for my whole life . Living in such a beautiful state and making so many amazing memories really makes me appreciate the place I live in. Showing this in my work in such vivid colors, I believe that other people have experienced the same and will be able to reflect more on this beautiful state.
The Hall
Mara Popa ‘26
About a year ago, I experienced some of the most intense imposter syndrome I'd ever gone through after receiving a huge honor for my art. While what was going through my mind was very heightened and complicated, much of the gratitude I felt was undercut by the feeling that I couldn't deserve it. I like to explore alienation through animals as symbols, so for my portfolio, I used the ant as a distinctly nonhuman form to show a contrast between myself in this self portrait and the crowd around me, who, in my mind, were supposed to be there while I felt out of place.